+91 7880133080 / 8962333033

Our Pricing

Monthly Package Monthly

₹ 15,000 +
18% Tax

Completely Automated

Trades Indices

WhatsApp Support

Remote Support

1 Strategy (1/Month)

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Quarterly Package Quarterly

₹ 35,000 +
18% Tax

Completely Automated

Trades Indices

WhatsApp Support

Remote Support

3 Strategy (1/Month)

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Half Yearly Package Half Yearly

₹ 60,000 +
18% Tax

Completely Automated

Trades Indices

WhatsApp Support

Remote Support

6 Strategy (1/Month)

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Yearly Package Yearly Yearly

₹ 1,00,000 +
18% Tax

Completely Automated

Trades Indices

WhatsApp Support

Remote Support

12 Strategy (1/Month)

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As we have some different strategies and customer who want to customised their strategies, as per their requirements.

NOTE:- For more details contact to our executive.
